DIY & Tips to Keep Organize

Midterm season is in and I don't know about you, but my life is all over the place. Midterms, group projects, coffee dates, job search, it is so overwhelming. One thing I find super helpful in keeping track of everything is staying organized. There are so many different ways to keep organize that will help your day go by so much more smooth and most importantly you will feel that you have your life together.

Ever since school started my agenda becomes my bestie. I never go anywhere with out it. I helps keep me sane, and I know what I have to do or where I have to go. And a lot of people think agendas are lame, and so elementary school (I totally remember those days where I had to bring my agenda home for my parents to sign). But in reality, agenda can be a super cute accessory. A few of my favourite agendas are from Kate Spade, Rifle Paper and Co, Day Designer and all time favourite, Erin Condren.

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In terms of price, Kate Spade and Rifle Paper have the most cost efficient agendas. Day Designer is fairly expensive, although I have never purchased one. Erin Condren, on the other hand, I bought one two years ago, altogether I paid almost $100 because of import charges and duties. I had a great experience with it, it was very easy to use, had my week and month laid out right in front of me. One of the biggest thing about agendas is that you can write down reminder notes. I am super forgetful, so on the left column under memo I have a list of random things I think of and things that needs to be done later on the day/week. It is all about getting things done in an efficient and effective manner. A good tip is that don’t try to balance both an app organizer and a paper agenda, chances are something is going to slip between the crack! I have been there and done that. I personally recommend a paper agenda.

A small thing that also keeps your life together is making your bed every morning when you get up. This might seem silly but it will keep your room clean and avoid crawling back to bed when you are tired from studying. With that said, studying in bed is also a no… we have all been there and you know what happens.

Clean desk policy is a must, try to have as clear of a desk as possible. This will minimize distractions when you are studying. A few things that are needed: computer, lamp, books, and a cup of stationary. This may sound lame and boring, but there are ways to make it fun! Check out the below DIYS to keep your desk looking cute and organize at the same time.

This custom organizer will keep all your supplies in one. It is easy to make and only uses recycled items around the house. Learn how to recreate one here:

Image Courtesy of Wonderfuldiy | via


Here is some inspiration to keep motivated with quotes and sweet notes on your desk! Check this tutorial out here:

Image Courtesy of An Everyday Affair | via  


Keep it fun by adding some sparkle into your boring studying! Check this DIY out on how to sparkle up your stapler:

Image Courtesy of MyChelle | via