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New Year Beauty Resolutions

New Year Beauty Resolutions

         The new year is always a great start to make some goals and resolutions. We often think about making life goals, academic or financial goals and we forget how we can improve our daily skin and beauty routine. In today’s blog post we will be discussing a few new year resolution relating to your skin and beauty routine that should be made a priority in your life.

The first and foremost resolution - thoroughly remove makeup prior to sleeping. If you sleep with your makeup on, this already should be your number one biggest resolution. If you do a quick makeup wipe or cleanser in the shower before going to bed, it’s not enough. Often times a quick cleanser merely gets rid off all the makeup and dirt on your face. This is a easy reason for clogged pores. Try investing in a few more steps - toner, mask, exfoliating cleanser, cleansing brush are a few other methods that will help your skin. Ever have random pimples pop up when you wake up? This will definitely decrease your chance of stubborn bumps on your face.

When was the last time you washed your makeup brushes? They may look clean and do the job with applying makeup but there’s a lot more little bacteria hanging out in your brushes. Your makeup brushes should be cleaned every week or two. Just rinsing your brushes under warm water until the water run clears isn’t a very effective way to cleaning. You don’t need to invest in any fancy brush cleaners, try your body wash or baby shampoo. Swirling your brush against your palm is an excellent way to get any residue out.

If you don’t remember when you bought a makeup product that’s sitting in your drawers, it may be time to toss it out. It may still give you the cover up you need, but it is doing a lot more damage to your skin than you think. All makeup products have expiry dates. Make it a habit to check your products every few months to get rid of anything that’s been sitting around for too long. Another way to keep track is writing the date on the product with a sharpie upon purchase.

Give the bare look at try! As much as we love dolling up all the time, it’s good to give your skin sometime to breath. If you are only running a small errand during the day, put on a light tinted glowing moisturizer and call it a day. You may feel a little naked, but your skin will thank you. Once a week or every two week is more than enough. Of course, the more days off you can give your skin is obviously better. Try opting for light to no make-up looks rather than multiple coats of foundation.

Making resolutions during the new year is always important! When you look back in December 2019, which one of these will you have accomplished? If you do not usually make goals, maybe 2019 is the year to start! Happy New Year!

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