Eyebrows 101 - The Step-by-Step Guide You've Been Waiting For!
I, along with every female, craves to have their eyebrows “on fleek”. Perfectly arched, shaped, tamed eyebrows is just the icing on the cake when achieving the perfect makeup look, but how the heck do you achieve the perfect eyebrow? Well a blogger who I follow and love by the name of Keiko Lynn gives great makeup tutorials. Her step by step “how to’s” are easy to follow, and give you natural yet gorgeous looks that anyone can do, even beginners! So I had to see if she had an eyebrow tutorial I could use to get my eyebrows looking the way they needed to be and sure enough she does!
First step is to apply eyebrow primer. This is a step many forget to do, but just like face primer, eye shadow primer, and lip primer, eyebrow primer helps keep your “eyebrows” intact!
Second, use brow pencil to define the line underneath your brows.
Third, repeat step 2 on the outer ¾ of the top line of your brow and focus on defining the tail of your eye brow.
Fourth, use a spool brush to pull the color up and through your eye brows. This also helps blend any harsh lines.
Fifth, take your brow powder and an angled makeup brush and fill in the outer ¾ of your eyebrows. Once applied, wiggle your brush back and forth (without adding any more powder) so your eye brows don’t look painted on.
And boom, perfect eyebrows!
We hope this tutorial will provide the much needed help as it has for me. Now I will have perfect eyebrows anytime and so will you too!
Original post: http://www.keikolynn.com/2013/11/makeup-monday-how-to-get-perfect-brows.html