10 Stand Out Party Dresses

I love the holidays, mainly because it is an excuse to pick up cute dresses and a pair of new heels – even though I probably end up in flats all night. I never get sick of dressing up and dolling up, and it is even better where there is a place I get to show off my glam. For the past month or so I have been prepping up for the month of December, gathering all the cute party dresses I can find. Of course, after filtering like a hundred, I have narrowed myself to my top ten favourite party dresses. So, here are my few favs that will get “all eyes on you”:

  • I HAVE to start off with the little black dress, I mean you can most definitely not go wrong with a black dress. My personal preference with to spice it up with a pop of color. I mean, going all black is a bit boring. My suggestion is to add a pair of bright colorful heels or a sparkling statement necklace. This holiday, try a red statement piece. The black and red combo always look superb together, and it gives a little holiday spirit. I saw a few unique little black dress perfect this holiday from ASOS – some a bit fancier than others.


  • Lace dress is also a personal favorite. The lace always give a bit of sexiness but not too much (unless your dress is see-through)… I have always been more of a black lace type of dress fan, but of course, the dress can’t be one of those typical boring lace dress. The second one from the little black dress is an example, the design and shape of it gives it a bit more uniqueness to the dress overall. That one is an all-time favorite because the sweetheart neck line makes it’s a bit more of a semi-formal dress, without over-doing it. Also, this one, also from ASOS, is super chic. The mid-riff lace gives off some skin but not too much. This one is a bit more causal, but again can be pulled off very nicely with a statement piece or even a stunning clutch. It’s all about the lace this season!


  • Stepping out of the zone with a pop of color. A pop of red in the holiday spirit is always appreciated. Try not to mix much of the green and reds together though, that’s just over-doing it. A red dress is always sexy, if you pick up a red lace dress, that’s just overboard sexy – in a good way. If you think red is too much for you, give a deep red to burgundy dress a try. Burgundy is such a nice winter colour, some deep red dresses are great for parties and not “stand out” if you like to blend in a bit more. Check out the few from Akira Dress.



  • If you do like standing out, a touch of sparkle always gets the eyes. Glitter and sparkles is always the life of a party. Pull off one of these gorgeous dresses with simple, one color accessories to avoid over-doing it. Stick with nude colour nail polish, and a more neutral make-up to give your dress the center of attention. (image


  • A maxi dress is also nice too; it never fails to give you some extra height. I am particularly a big fan of the ones with a cut on the side, it gives you a chance to show off your legs without revealing too much. AND, a chance to show off the heels too. (image)












So, there was a gist of a few dresses ideas you can give a try out. For the last top 5 dresses, I will be featuring the five dresses I got for this Holiday, along with what accessories and makeup routine I have prepped out.

I will be wearing black flats and neutral makeup. The two red pieces gives the outfit overall a bit of colour without overdoing it. Brunch is not really too dressy, so I decided to go with a dress like this, so I can re-wear it later in the year.



  • This one is for my work holiday party, I went for a maxi dress for a more formal but casual look (http://www.forever21.com/shop/ca/en/p/shirred-maxi-dress-2000163651012--1001) My makeup will be a bit neutral because I don’t want to overdo it. The party is at nice restaurant, so nothing too too fancy. I will be matching it up with a sequin clutch from Coach to add a bit more color with the outfit:


  • This one is for a holiday party amongst friends, call me boring but I like black and I am not about the all eyes on me thing, but I will be wearing a pair of red heels to get “some” eyes on me. I will also be wearing a deep smoky eye look for a sexy and fierce overall look. I think mesh is so cute, it shows some skin but not in a skanky way – pardon my language.



  • Lastly, for new years – no more black dresses I promise. I kinda just realized all my dresses are black for the holiday and this blog post was supposed to be standing out. However, with proper accessories you can make any boring black dress look as hot as ever!











Anyways, my last dress is for New Year Eves. Although plans have not be set in stone, nor do I really know what I am doing, I already have my dress planned out. We are going sequins this year. A bit of glam and sparkles is a great way to start off the year – especially gold! I hope you all enjoy the holiday season and the spirit all around. Enjoy fancying it all up.
